Monday, July 25, 2011

New Article Series on Setting Writing Goals

Over the past several weeks, I have spent many hours on my Mall Demon Urban Fantasy Short Story Series. Parts One and Two are already online at Wattpad for your reading pleasure.

The first two parts never would have seen the light of day if I had not set specific goals to get them published online. In fact, the Mall Demon stories might have ended up where many of my other fiction projects have through the years: nowhere but a fantasy in my head.

Can you relate? I'm sure some of you can. Truth be told, setting goals is fairly easy. Setting meaningful, specific goals is harder. Following through until the goals are met is even tougher. 

Tough, but not impossible. That's the good news for beginning writers. I will share the techniques I have learned and used to write the Mall Demon series and thousands of newspaper articles and news blog posts over the past 15 years. And so we can get it out of the way now, I am sharing this information at no cost to you. That's right. No charge. Free. Well, you will need to spend your time to read the articles and set your own goals.

Again, the first step is to set specific goals. As beginning writers, we must avoid vague goals. We need concrete goals. So, this first step is where my article series on Setting Successful Writing Goals will begin. 

Over the month of August, I will outline the four parts to Setting Successful Writing Goals. The four parts are as follows:
  • Make specific writing goals
  • Plan writing goals in three time categories
  • Include goals in areas of your life (outside of writing)
  • Reflect often on your goals 
As I explain the strategy, you may recognize parts of it. Truth is I adapted it from general goal setting strategies I have taught to college students. More on all the specifics later. So, if you are serious about setting successful writing goals, be sure to read my article series beginning in August.


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