Monday, February 12, 2018

How To Get Things Done Now In 2018

Henry Ford once said you can't build a reputation on what you're going to do.

The founder of the Ford Motor Company definitely built a reputation as a captain of industry by doing. But most of us don't do what we should.

Doing: the act of performing or executing: action - Merriam Webster

Doing... executing... deliberate action that leads you closer to your goal. That is how to get things done. What do I do? Not what I should. I sleep. I procrastinate. Do you? Be honest... What we should do is venture forward.

Now... Daily... every hour... minute... second. Period.

I'm learning that again and again and again throughout each day. It is my top goal for 2018.

For me that means meeting my writing goals, my entrepreneurial goals, etc. Over the first month of January, I set some "things" in motion to get things done. One of my first financial goals was to make an average of $50 a day in my spare time - on side hustles.

For me to say I achieved that goal, I had to make an average of $50 a day for seven straight days. Last night, I reached my goal. Over the last seven days, I have made about $57 a day.

How did I do it? By doing... by executing... by deliberate action. It's a simple solution, but hard to do. It's really a mental exercise: you versus yourself inside your head.

"I should get up off the couch and get to work," you think to yourself. "OK... one more hour of Netflix, then I'll get up."

... Three hours later...

"It's almost midnight," you say. "It's too late now. I'll do it tomorrow."

... Three days later...

"I'll do it next week for sure."

Any of that sound familiar? That's me sabotaging my own efforts. It's me when I'm not doing... not executing... not taking deliberate action. Set a goal. Then fight yourself every day to do it. Execute every day. Take action every day.

Like Yoda from Star Wars said to young Luke Skywalker: "No! Try not! Do or do not, there is no try."

Trying is lying.

What have you done to meet your goals? What inspires you? Please share with me. We are in this together.

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