Saturday, September 22, 2018

Talking To Yourself: Don't Stifle Your Inner Monologue

It's after 2 a.m. on a Saturday. Just spent 14 hours on the road for Uber and Lyft in the Dallas-Ft.Worth Metro area during an absolute deluge of rain. Had to work. Had to earn. I was not happy. Many of my thoughts were the kind many of us wouldn't admit to having. But... as a writer... we should not stifle any thoughts - even those polite company would consider bad. Even those that offend people in our lives.

Here is what I mean. To set the scene... Streets flooding. Visibility - even with windshield wipers at max - limited. But... I remained on the road out of sheer determination and anger.

Experience.... is one of the greatest resources for writers. Now... some of my thoughts during the last 14 hours...

Inner monologue:

"Every time I take a step forward, fate hits me with another obstacle that sends me two steps back!"

"Why keep trying! I can't win. God, help me... would death be better? I'm tired."

"No! Can't give up! I will fail tonight...but... I can't quit!"

"I miss my son. She won't let me see him. Calm down... Don't cry. Don't make a decision based only on emotions. Use your head! If she knows she made you cry, she wins!"

"I can't see the road. Keep driving. Keep working. Think of your son. He misses me."

"I'm sorry, dad. I wanted to come," my son texted me. "My hands are shaking. I'm sad. I'm angry. God! Help me!"

"I'm soaking wet. I'm tired. But... I have to keep going. I miss my son. I have to do whatever it takes to be heard, for him to be heard. I need to keep working. The poor don't have a voice."

"I need a lawyer! I need a drink!"

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